How Much Does it Cost to Develop an App like Pokemon Go in 2023?
Do you remember Pokemon Go? I bet you know it, and it made you want to play again. This app went viral across the globe because of its unique strategy and balance between real and virtual worlds.
This question might have eaten your head up that how much does it cost to develop an app like PokemonGo, if you can’t find an exact answer then download this datasheet.
Who doesn’t want that their app can also make some noise as this app made? People became crazy and addicted to this game. Hence, if you’re going to create such an app and wanna earn significant revenue, then hire our mobile developers.
Game app development varies extensively from the usual mobile app development and has many nuances and factors to consider.
You might have many questions in your mind, such as
- How do you make an app like Pokemon Go?
- How much does it cost to make an app like Pokemon Go?
- Is Pokemon Go a native app?
- What is Pokemon Go coded in?
- What technology does Pokemon Go use?
- How to make a game like Pokemon Go?
To give you a broad idea we can say that an app like PokemonGo can cost you approx $50k to $60k.
But to give you all the answers along with facts, we have designed this datasheet for you. Download it now and then reach out to us. Our dedicated developers will create an app that you have dreamt of.