B2B & B2C Moving Towards ECommerce. Don’t Lag Behind In The Race

Jayesh Rathod
13th Jul, 2019
Online Shopping!!! How many of you prefer this mode?
In today’s busy life, we all somehow prefer online shopping. Not only because of the ease but also for the reason that we get so many options on one platform and it attracts everyone.
It’s a fact online shopping and eCommerce Industry is a million-dollar industry. It is expected that it will rise up to 12% in the upcoming years.
Current events and abrupt changes in the technologies indicate a digital disruption is marching and the eCommerce platform can’t ignore it.
There’s no question in this that eCommerce has changed the face of B2C sales. The online commerce is growing worldwide on an average of 20% per year.
The thing that is knocking in my head is why B2B companies are not taking advantage of the capabilities of online sales.
According to the stats, there are approx 2.53 billion people worldwide using smartphones. Most of the people use phones while there free time such at the time of traveling or while shopping.
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The undeniable fact is that buyer’s today whether they are consumers or business runners demand online shopping experiences that are easy, classic and personalized to their requirements.
If your business is not granting that right now, it’s time to get incited.
A per a survey of B2B vendors, 57% of B2B companies consider that commerce is rapidly shifting from offline to online, a point that appears to be approved by the significant investments B2C companies like eBay, Amazon, and Google have made in the space.
When you give it a thought, the growth of B2B eCommerce makes sense, too. Because B2B buyers are part of the B2C populous and they have been instructed to expect seamless, high-quality online purchasing experiences.
Let’s have a glance at some real Stats

This statistic represents the retail sales of E-Commerce worldwide from 2015 to 2020. In 2020, the global retail of E-Commerce is supposed to generate about 27.73 Trillion U.S dollars. This is clear from this that the eCommerce market share will rise at a breakneck pace.
Now, let’s have a glance at some Giants companies which opted the way of eCommerce at the right time and marked their feet for their eCommerce services.
Yeah, the best example is Amazon.

This statistic displays a forecast of Amazon’s retail market share in the United States from 2016 to 2021, based on GMV. In 2019, Amazon’s market share in the eCommerce retail market was 45 percent, this is expected to increase significantly by 2021. By 2021, it has been projected that Amazon’s market share will account for 50 percent of the entire eCommerce retail market’s GMV.
By showing these I don’t wanna put your moral down or don’t wanna show how big Amazon is, my motto is just too aware you that opting eCommerce is a crucial thing.
Belonging from a B2B region if you still lag behind and not able to realize the eCommerce market size then maybe one day your business will seize to access.
It’s a fact that if you adopt eCommerce trends 2019 as early as possible there are more chances of your company to rule the industry, it’s up to you now.
⚜️ B2C is also in the Race – Runner Up
With business e-commerce in the U.S. on track to hit $1.2 trillion by 2021, according to the Forrester, it’s essential for B2B traders to stimulate their moves toward digital transformation.

This statistic presents the global B2B e-commerce Gross Merchandise Volume (GMV) from 2013 to 2017. In 2017, the gross merchandise volume of Business-to-Business e-commerce transactions is projected to amount to 7.66 trillion U.S. dollars, up from 5.83 trillion U.S. dollars in 2013. Now think about what level achieved in 2019 and what about next 2020.
⚜️ It’s a Game-changing transformation to go for.
The B2B purchasers are also people who buy products for business purposes and they also use eCommerce services in their daily lives.
The successful B2B companies already learned this fact long ago that advertising and other communications for the B2B sector should be of high quality as in B2C.
Nowadays the dealers have become regular online consumers and they desire the same smooth and easy procedure for their platforms that they see elsewhere in the B2C.
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It shows how businesses can adapt and shift their focus toward a more customer-centric mindset.
The best way is to examine what B2C environment use and make them work for the B2B environment as well.
This is very crucial if you wanna thrive in your business rather than just surviving in the market.
I am shocked because most of the B2B owners are very well aware of the necessity of digital transformation.
Still, the number of merchants reaping the rich opportunities that are available in the B2B eCommerce space is limited.
It is perfectly said by Charles Darwin that ” It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change.”
I personally love this saying and it suits the market scenario right now.
Every B2B owner should keep this saying of Cindy Zhou, a principal analyst at Constellation Research in mind that “Every B2B buyer is also a consumer in their personal life. They expect the ease of use for B2B and personal shopping to be similar.”
If you are thinking to adopt eCommerce for your B2B business then don’t wait there are numerous companies that provide eCommerce development services to help your business shine the way you have envisioned.

Now B2B influencers are likely younger than the expected, and you need to make sure that you are reaching them where they are and what they are seeking.
Don’t lag behind because the boundaries of B2B commerce are being completely remodeled.
So Take some time and think about it.
Ask yourself? Is your current eCommerce platform or commerce strategy furnished to capitalize on the opportunity, or will you sink as customers flock to more powerful, feature-rich, and user-friendly websites?
If you are thinking to adopt eCommerce for your business we suggest you choose from WordPress, Magento, Drupal or Joomla as they are the best open-source eCommerce platform.
Don’t forget that eCommerce is not just selling to customers. With technological advancements and online business to business trade, B2B eCommerce is an emerging trend.
If your B2B eCommerce platform is not where it needs to be then now is the time to make the right investment in improving the way you do business.
Identify the area you need improvement in such as if you don’t have a mobile app you should get it as the world is moving towards the mobile era.
Pick the best company in the market who provides the Best App Development Services to provide a great experience to your customers.
About The Author

Jayesh Rathod
Jayesh Rathod is a Technical Lead at Auxano Global Services. As an experienced full-stack web developer he has a strong background in a variety of programming languages and technologies. Jayesh has a passion to shares his exceptional experiences through valuable words.