A Solid Take Off For Artificial Intelligence In 2025

Nirav Upadhyay
10th Jun, 2019
AI not just changing home but it also changes the way of business as well.
Through AI, businesses improve their productivity, efficiency, and accuracy. The cool things are AI also help in solving the problem of climate change. The present already running with Artificial Intelligence. Let me a spark into your mind. Have you ever tried OR seen Alexa, Siri, Cortana. If yes, I tell you that you are using Artificial Intelligence.
From 1956 people started using Artificial Intelligence for making the task easier and efficient. Speech Recognition, Home with Smart Solution are some few AI application in the present world.
AI researcher also surveyed that AI can overcome with a solution of Human Intelligence soon i.e. think like a human, feel like a human, write an essay like a human, drive with feeling like human, translating language and much more.
Decision making and quick taking action this makes AI one of trending technology in the future.
So, Artificial Intelligence is the future of business. Hence one of the leading Artificial Intelligence App Development Company shares few real stuff with you.
So, Let’s hover to some of the real statistics of Artificial Intelligence.

About The Author

Nirav Upadhyay
Nirav Upadhyay is a Digital marketing Head at Auxano Global Services, a renowned Digital Marketing Company. He started his career as an SEO Analyst in 2006 and has been in the field ever since. He excels at Search Engine Optimization, SMM, SEM and Product Marketing. Alongside his work as a Digital Marketing Head, Nirav also contributes to publications such as Entrepreneur, Bloomberg Businessweek, CIO, Huffington Post, The Drum and TNW.