Planning out a food delivery app? Here’s the guide to have an app like UBEReats

Milan Koradiya
12th Jul, 2019
One cannot deny the fact that UBER has come up as one of the leading industries and continues to keep up the tag by adding on various industries to its firm.
After conquering the online cab booking industry worldwide, UBER planned to expand its business and thus came up with another idea of online food delivery- with its app called UberEATS. Within no time of its launch, it is gaining huge popularity worldwide.
Before moving further with these discussions, let us sneak a quick glance at the statistics on the contribution of the mobile app development companies with the on-demand food delivery apps.

According to one of the surveys, 20% of the US citizens have been using such apps at least once a week to have a look at their favorite cuisine from their favorite chain of restaurants.
Also, the analysts believe that the contribution of digital food delivery in the to the total market share would rise up to 11% by the end of this decade, unlike the 6% in the present year.
Thus, keeping in mind all of these perspectives, it is high time you consider developing a similar app to make yourself a leading name in the mobile app development company. Talking about UberEATS, this is how it works:
It sets up collaborations with a number of other restaurants across different cities and in almost all the countries. The hotels or restaurants are the widely acclaimed or the highly popular ones in the respective cities for their quality and taste of food.
Now all the user have to do once he downloads the app is to just check the men of the particular Resturant and this place their order. And then pay for the ordered food online and thus wait for it to be delivered at your place.
Are you searching for how to make a food delivery app?. Here are the steps and suggestions which you must have to keep in mind while developing a restraurant food ordering app.
Developing a Food Delivery App Similar to UberEATS
An experienced app developer will be well familiar with the fact that most of the popular and widely downloaded apps such as UberEATS are predominantly found on both the popular platforms – Android and iOS.
The cost will vary on both platforms. Enough said, we now look at how can you develop an app such as UberEATS.
Following are the things that one should keep in mind while developing an app inclusive of similar features as the discussed one.
- The Control Panel( Admin Panel)
- Restaurants Dashboard
- An App for the Customer
In the coming sections of the blog, we would b discussing each of them would brief you about the development process for the same.
An Interactive App for the Customer:
Amongst the series of these apps, the most important task is to develop a well interactive customer page which is high on the level of attractiveness as well as user-friendly too. This procedure can be subcategorized into the following sub-categories:

As soon as the customer downloads your app, this is the first step that your client is going to perform: Register itself with the app. This should include all the basic information as well as some customized information too ( Spoiler Alert: Highly Recommended) such as their preferred cuisines or restaurants, etc.
Choosing from a Variety of Products and Selecting from them

Not only should your mobile app developers design a menu of the restaurant to include it in the display about the particular place, but also come up with various other additives such as ambiance to make your audience feel a little more lively about the place.
Also, the plus sign right at the side of the place to add or remove the items from your cart. This page has to be designed in a specific way keeping the use of it simpler for the customers.
Payment Options:

Once the user is done with choosing the food items, the next step would take him to the payment gateway.
Here you should come up with a variety of options such as payment via credit/debit cards, using various wallets(Apple or Google) or even other mediums such as PayPal.
You can also develop a wallet of your own wherein the customers can deposit some amount in advance and all the further transactions to be carried out from the same later on.
Time for some Criticism:

As your mobile app developer to develop a custom dashboard for the ratings and reviews. Keeping a review page would help your customers check to go through them in case they plan out for a new place.
Also, this database is going to be of great help for you as you can categorize the top/ most preferred places of the week/ month, etc and exclusively feature the same.
Customer Help and FAQs
Through this page, you can offer to chat online or provide the email option wherein the customers can get answers to all their questions.
The Owner’s Dashboard:

This is the one for the owners of the restaurants, who are ready to set up a collaboration with your app. So, this is going to be the place where the owners have to have their registration done separately, unlike the user’s dashboard, gets a push notification every time an order is placed or customer places a review regarding the same.
Also, several interactive measures can be planned to feature them in the top categories and hence the owners are regularly updated about the same.
Also, come up with a place wherein the owners can manage various orders and work on them accordingly. And above all, set up the payment receiving option on this side of the app too.
Thus, these are some of the things that a mobile app development company should keep in mind while developing an app for the owners.
The Admin Panel
Admin Panel is that platform where the admin kees a control over the entire activities being performed on a bottle the owner’s and the clients’ app.
This is that platform from where the courier people and the owners are coordinated. Here, you can add up various other sub-admins too if you want.
Have a look at the services that the admin has to be managed by this panel:
-Collaboration with the Restaurants
-Effective maintenance of both the Applications
-Managing the Payment Activity
-Based on the review dashboard, coming up with various vouchers or discount coupons
-24/7 online support on both the ends
Create your own UberEATS Clone app and service your customers with an awesome and well-rounded application. Your UberEats clone app will be on iOS, Android and the website. Kick-start your On-Demand food delivery business today!
How much would it cost to develop an App for UberEATS
Apart from all the features mentioned here, the cost of your app also depends on various other features that you wish to include in your app.
At Auxano GLobal Services, we normally charge around $15 per hour for iOS app development and$12 per hour for Android app development.
Summing it all up, your app with a good mobile app with all these features can be estimated somewhere around $10,000-$15000.
However, the figures might vary and as discussed, depends on the features that you wish to have. So, if you are planning to develop an On-Demand Food Delivery App, get in touch with us to know more about it.
Feel free to drop a query at admin@auxanoglobalservices.com and let us get back to you, or call us at +1.209.736.5046 and get your free quotation today itself.
About The Author

Milan Koradiya
As the Android Team Lead, Milan Koradiya possesses immense expertise in Android app development. He is a creative thinker and holds a great vision when it comes to planning a project. His management and technical skills have been a significant contribution to the company. He has an all-embracing hands-on experience in trending technology as well, such as Flutter, Kotlin, Xamarin, React Native, and Ionic.