Seeking An IPhone App Developer??? Dive In The Best Hiring Tips

Aakash Soni
17th Jul, 2019
Considering that there are over 700 million iPhone users exists worldwide, it’s no surprise that developers who can build iPhone apps are in high demand.
Without a doubt, picking iOS developer can be the most overwhelming and difficult part for any organization.
You might be thinking that it’s easy but no fellas, It’s a very tedious task because there are a hell lot of restrictions and differences in iOS than to Android.

Various companies, around the globe, face several problems when it comes to iPhone app development.
The building of a visually appealing, easy to use and bug-free iPhone App needs the best skills behind the development unit. So the game comes down directly to the hiring process.
The Apple App store is the second-largest app store with over 2 million apps available. When you take this figure into consideration, it’s obvious that you need to search for a person who creates a unique iPhone app to stand out in the App store.
Taking these figures into account it is common that iPhone application development is in the mainstream.
While there is no direct and effortless solution to this problem to help you instantly find the perfect fit for the job.
It is really important for any firm to make sure whether the right candidate is got selected or not in the process to save you from the relevant hassles in the future.
Let’s plunge in the best tips to keep in mind while hiring an iOS developer that every iPhone app development company must follow.
Check out the Proficiency of Fundamental Knowledge
Before selecting any candidate the first step should be examining the basic knowledge of the particular field.
Sometimes people have an amazing Resume or CV but they score zero in the basics.
For example, a person doesn’t know the basic 26 English alphabets, how can you expect that guy to be fluent in English?
Yeah!!! So checking out fundamentals is the most significant in the process of hiring.
Inviting a Skillful Candidate or Giving an Opportunity to a New Player
Case 1. An experienced candidate most importantly save a lot of time in adjusting and in understanding the requirements of the clients.
Apart from these issues such as fixing bugs, providing unique solutions, team management, meeting deadlines, etc. A person with experience can help you address all such issues faster as well as better.
Check out their portfolio and find out about their role in the previous organization. Take time in diagnosing their work and their attitude towards work.
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Case 2. Giving Chance to the New Player
Sometimes a child can solve your problem in a few minutes on which you were stuck from days.
It’s just a matter of thought process and a brand new brain is full innovative mobile app design ideas. Yes, it may seem a joke to you but it’s true.
A new person will have a different point of view than a person who works regularly on the same thing.
Above all this, the new generation is eager and enthusiastic about learning new things as well as in taking risks which can become the unique aspect of your company.
So, while hiring a newbie to your pack check the technical knowledge with the attitude. Seek the can-do attitude in the person to add a gem to your group.
Figure out The Knowledge about the Latest Trends

While interviewing the applicant talk about the trends. Because technologies and trends keep on changing year after year.
Check out whether the candidate has required the info about Apple’s specific guidelines about the app submission, app update, and changes. Examine the point of view of the person about the AI and Siri advancements.
Find out what the nominee knows about the ARKit and Swift5. Test the knowledge on spatial reasoning, MVC model, core data, GCD, usage of Git and Github, networking, etc.
Before Finalising the candidate check out how eager he/she is about the latest updates in technology.
Look for an Applicant with a Unique Opinion

Most people who favor with what you say are those who have absolutely no idea of what goes into developing a competitive and successful application.
Your task is to look out for candidates who disagree with your process and share helpful proposals.
It’s always a great choice to go for the experts who have practical knowledge about application advancements in different platforms.
Assure that the developer can work with the app adaptability.
Capability to Perceive and Implement Innovative Ideas
When discussing hire iPhone App Developers, what you are looking for are those passionate personalities who take developing to all new extents.
Those who are enthusiastic to grasp, vigorous and energetic minds holding an abundant resource of fresh and interesting ideas are your true treasure.
Creating apps by nourishing creativity and workability will mark your position at the top of the map of iPhone development service providers.
Hire Someone Who Fits in your Wallet
You can pay the developer thousands for app development and ends up being riddled with bugs, or you could pay someone half of that and the app does even more than your client required.
That’s because it’s not about the costs, it’s about the quality.
Higher expectations could leave you broke. Try for cheap and best, especially if you are a newbie with a start-up.
Hire those whom you can afford for the long race. If you are at a developing stage, go for the less experienced yet skilled youths.
Additionally, you also want someone with the problem-solving abilities necessary to grow your business, so ask open-ended questions, a tricky one that could not be solved with a simple web search.
Picking a developer who can share in your company vision will be your best asset. Be certain to choose someone who could play his role in the team and in the company.
Select the person who is not only good at developing but who is also interested in your company and who can give a productive input based.
Summing it up

Focus on the aspects of your business and include more screening rounds to hire the best out of the rest. Try to find out whether that person has experience in one language or many.
Pick the one who is committed to self-improvement and is willing to adapt to your company’s need. Just take into account these tips before hiring an iOS developer and don’t forget to check the communication skills which is really essential.
An important tip is that while hiring, define your company’s work ethic and try to discover the candidate’s expectations. Along with this consider a person who is also well aware of the marketing strategy plans to make the apps bizarre in order to take place in the App store.
About The Author

Aakash Soni
Aakash Soni is the Operational Head at Auxano Global Services, a complete Software development company that has been recognized by Clutch for its achievements and client satisfaction. He is a Master in Trending Technologies and has been involved in developing and implementing several innovative projects, including Entrepreneurial Trends, Data Analytics, Retail Technology ecosystems, Internet of Things, and Blockchain. He has an eye for spotting opportunities and is a strong advocate of disruption through technology and innovation. He has worked with Fortune 500 companies and helped many startup firms to rise in the market. He is leading the Auxano Global Services team to help clients leverage disruptive technologies like Blockchain & AI to deliver transformative business outcomes.