Top Reasons To Choose ReactJS For Enterprise App Development

Jayesh Rathod
3rd Apr, 2023
An enterprise-driven application built on the objectives of the business can help the business owner to mediate needs like customer satisfaction, the productivity of the enterprise, and work efficiency. These apps run on various libraries, and ReactJS is one of them.
If you are in a dilemma about whether one should proceed with ReactJS, this write-up will help to find all the right reasons for choosing. Let’s head on the market statics to know the exact need of ReactJS for enterprise app development.
Market Statistics Of ReactJS For Enterprise App Development:

1. According to Statista, in 2022, 42.62% of business entities chose ReactJS for enterprise app development, making it stand second in the list of top-used JavaScript libraries.
2. ReactJS is the most popular JavaScript library on the entire internet.
3. The United States has the most number of websites using ReactJS, which is 2,346,629
4. React is used by 4.1% of all the websites whose JavaScript library we know and it’s 3.4% of all websites.
5. Around 8787 industry leaders currently use ReactJS.
Benefits of Choosing ReactJS
The main objective of any business organization is to meet its goals and grow as a company.

Without any further ado, have a look at the benefits of ReactJS:
1. Performance
When it comes to meeting goals and driving further as an enterprise based on the online application, the main factor that the owner looks into the app is its performance. And without saying, ReactJS has proven to be one of the libraries performing best over the years.
The app that uses ReactJS libraries can offer affluent performance due to the features like virtual DOM programming and server-side support.
2. Speed
ReactJS is highly speedy. Developers with basic JavaScript knowledge can use it for developing apps. Furthermore, when the final product arises, the uses will be highly satisfied with the app’s speed. For example. WhatsApp is an app using ReactJS, and there is no point in debating that it is fastest texting app in the world.
3. Top-notch Flexibility
The modular structure that ReactJS has makes it flexible and easy to use. When a developer is working on an app development using the ReactJS library, they can make changes whenever they feel the need arises. This feature of ReactJS helps to make sudden changes to meet the market demands. While the back-end changes are carried out, users will not face any glitches while using the app.
4. User-Friendliness
This library has no complicated components and is user-friendly for developers. We can refer to a few apps (WhatsApp, Uber eats, etc.) supported by this library to understand how the end products are also easy to use for the customers.
5. Reusability
ReactJS is a reusable component. Some codes need to be developed while running an operation within an app. The developer has to write different codes for different features in a few frameworks or libraries and can not use the same code for another operation or application. With ReactJS, the developer does not have to write code again and again and instead goes with the same code they have developed.
6. Community Support
ReactJS has an excellent community that will help the developers troubleshoot bugs or understand anything confusing. Any developer stuck at any point can reach out to the library’s community for help.
7. Scalability
ReactJS has a maximum number of scalability. The app using the ReactJS library can host many users simultaneously, support huge amounts of data and not create any hindrances while using it.
ReactJS Is The Choice Of Big Companies
All the benefits mentioned above are why big companies prefer using ReactJS. To summarize why it is their favorite library, we can say that it has-
• High scalability
• Reusability
• Good architecture

Here are some of the giant tech-savvy companies that are using ReactJS:
1. Netflix
In 2015, Netflix used ReactJS to recreate its interface. And since then, this app has undergone rigorous changes and additions without creating any kind of glitch. There are tens and hundreds of new movies uploaded daily on Netflix. With ReactJS, this streaming platform has improved and withstands the pressure of load time, runtime, and modularity.
2. Facebook
Facebook is the creator of this library, and thus it is no surprise that it will use ReactJS. All the apps and services linked with Facebook, like Instagram, also use this library. In the present day, Facebook has the most active users and started using the Beta version.
3. WhatsApp
Initially, WhatsApp used various betas, but recently it started using ReactJS to build an interface similar to Facebook. With the new version of WhatsApp, people do not only connect over texting by voice calls, video calls, send voice notes and images, videos, etc. Thanks to ReactJS for making the app run smoothly despite all the features it allows. It is the most used messaging app, keeping people connected. Over 3 billion people are using WhatsApp around the world.
4. UberEats
Uber Eats is one of the leading food ordering apps online. And the reason behind its popularity is how easily people can offer food, thanks to ReactJS. With the help of this library, the developer has created an app that can be used on various devices like mobiles and tablets and can order food easily.
Where Does It Stand In 2024?
ReactJS is standing in the second position with 42.62% of users. It is the favorite of many leading companies, as discussed earlier. According to data, about 2,000,000 new and old companies are using the ReactJS library to run their apps.
Furthermore, a few other numbers suggest that 2024 will be great for ReactJS, and it might take the first position. It has 200k starts on GitHub and 11,490,655 live website leverages.
Contact Auxano Global Services To Get The ReactJS App!
With the dynamic demand draft in the market, business organizations need help to cope with the technological part. With time this part has become inevitable. Hence, we have helped many business owners develop something from scratch or helped them expand their services online.
Auxano Global Services is an Enterprise App Development Company that has directed a plethora of app owners to achieve their dream app. App development is not only what we do, but also we offer our service for:
• Website Development,
• Game Development,
• Blockchain Development,
• Software Development.

We have a team of compassionate, supportive consultants who are just a call away. Apart from assisting on calls, we also offer chats and email consultations 24×7.
We are affluent in coding languages starting from Python and JavaScript to Django. Thus, we will not repel you from our services for any framework you want for your app.
Our ReactJS Development Services at AGS will fulfill your needs and help you downsize the options you have in mind. Further, we will help you understand the backend so that you can decide which will suit your enterprise-driven app.
After the app development, we will also help in the post-maintenance of the app. Developing the app is not the end of our relationship, but we believe once a customer, always a customer. Any glitch you face, we are here for troubleshooting.
Financial Implications of ReactJS
Various factors increase or reduce the app development process using ReactJS. Factors like UI/UX, the latest technologies, storage, features, and the number of developers are a few that affect the cost of an app using ReactJs.
Developers or app owners with a higher budget can invest more, but if cost is your concern, we can help. At Auxano Global Services, we will assist you in developing an app that will consider all the demands of your business, curbing the factors that might increase the charge. Simultaneously we will also maintain the level of the app.
In summary, you might have understood why ReactJS is chosen over other libraries. With time it has become a favorite for both developers and clients. The short time for development, flexibility, and other benefits it offers makes it the second most used library.
As mentioned earlier, the online business environment is constantly evolving. There is an update every hour. Thus, working with something that can be quick and easier will help the app compete and lead the market.
Frequently Asked Questions
What Are The Different Libraries Of JavaScript?
What Is The Most Used JavaScript Library?
What Is The Most Used Framework Worldwide?
Which Is The Fastest-Growing Library?
Which Library Is Better For Beginners?
About The Author

Jayesh Rathod
Jayesh Rathod is a Technical Lead at Auxano Global Services. As an experienced full-stack web developer he has a strong background in a variety of programming languages and technologies. Jayesh has a passion to shares his exceptional experiences through valuable words.